These five tips related to credit card will save you from fraud, you should also know


Credit Card Usage: Credit card is used during emergency. Credit card fulfills the needs of the people when there is no money. Although using a credit card (Credit Card Use) may have to pay more interest. In the last few years, many cases of credit card fraud have come to the fore. If you are using a credit card, care must be taken to avoid fraud. Here are some tips to protect yourself from credit card scams

Do not share your credit details

Never share your credit card PIN, banking password and mobile banking password with anyone. Even if a message or email is sent to you to share, do not give its information. The bank or financial institution does not ask for any such information. According to HDFC Bank, give information by calling the helpline number only if it is necessary.

set credit card limit

You can set a limit on your credit (Credit Card Limit). Credit card users are given the option to set limits on ATM usage, swiping at stores, online transactions and international transactions. Apart from this, you can stop the special facility of the credit card and use it later whenever you want to use it.

Use separate cards for autopay and everyday expenses

If you have more than one credit card, then only one card can be used for auto payment like phone bill, monthly subscription, EMI etc. Do not use this card for any other expenditure. You can use another card for daily use which has a set limit.

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Be careful

It is a good habit to check your credit card bill every month. According to the HDFC Bank website, check bills for suspicious charges or transactions and report the same to your credit card company. In case of theft or fraud, report the incident immediately to avoid payment of transaction done on the card.

don’t rush

Scammers usually lure credit card users with huge amounts of cashback and request them to pay bills or charges. If you get such a call or message, do not panic and do not rush to pay immediately. Don’t let any tempting offer or deal pass you by.

Read this also – Credit Card Bill Payment: If there is a delay in paying the credit card bill, do not worry about the fine! This rule of RBI will not impose penalty


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