Know the right way and what is the best time to take Vitamin D from sunlight?


How To Soak Vitamin D: We all know that our body needs sunlight. It is very important to produce Vitamin D in our body. Bones and joints require a lot of Vitamin D. But do you know what is the right way and time to get sunlight to get Vitamin D? If not, today we will remove this worry of yours as well. Because today we are going to tell you all the information related to it.

Nutrition expert Lima Mahajan has shared a post on her Instagram in which she has given detailed information about how to take Vitamin D. He has told that Vitamin D is involved in the formation of many proteins and enzymes, which is very important for human health and it also prevents many diseases.

  • Do not let the sunlight fall directly on the eyes. According to him, the best time is between 12:00 noon to 3:00 pm. On the other hand, other doctors say that the best time to take sunlight is when the sun’s rays are not too harsh, because if you sit in too bright light, direct exposure to the sun’s rays can cause skin milonema, which is a kind of is fatal cancer.
  • According to nutrition experts, people with dark skin should not take sunlight for more than 30 minutes and people with fair skin should not take more than 15 minutes, apart from this, some experts also say that it is better to take sunlight by wearing light colored clothes. , because they absorb a good amount of sunlight.
  • Children playing in the sun can be a good therapy. This strengthens the immune system. Exposing the newborn baby to sunlight helps a lot in the production of melatonin, melatonin levels regulate the sleep pattern of the baby which is good for staying healthy.
  • Sunbathing can also prove to be a good therapy for a patient suffering from depression. Being in the sun increases the production of a hormone called serotonin, due to which you can feel happy and calm.
  • It is generally said that vitamin D can be taken in good quantity by consuming 20% ​​part of the body i.e. without covering hands and feet for 15 minutes daily.
  • To keep bones healthy in winter, exercising in good amount in the sun is beneficial.

This loss can be caused by a lack of vitamin D.

  • bone loss
  • muscle loss
  • hair fall
  • mood change
  • weight gain
  • respiratory complaints

how much vitamin d does the body need

Let us tell you that in order to keep the teeth, bones and muscles strong in our body, the body should get the required amount of vitamin D. The work of transporting the calcium present in the body to the bones is the responsibility of this vitamin D. A healthy person needs about 37.5 to 50 mcg of Vitamin D in a day. Whereas growing children need at least 25 mcg daily. It is a nutrient that dissolves in fat. It contains Vitamin D1 D2 and D3. Sunlight is the primary source of Vitamin D. As soon as the skin comes in contact with sunlight, the skin starts producing vitamin D on its own. Vitamin D also keeps our immune system strong.

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