Ways To Store Onion: Onion is one of the most used things in the home kitchen. In simple words, onion is the only vegetable that works to enhance the taste of food. Onions are used in different ways. Many people make it by adding onion to the vegetable, while many people make the vegetable by making onion masala. Some people also like to eat onions in salads.
Those whose home uses onions more, they buy onions in large quantities at once, but if they are not stored properly for a long time, onions get spoiled quickly. You do not have to face this problem, so today we are going to tell you the right and easy way to store onions, so that your onions remain fresh and healthy for months.
keep onions in a dry place
The first rule of storing onions is that you keep it in a clean and dry place. Especially, when you want to store onions for a long time. Also, to keep onions fresh, you should store them in a dry place with good ventilation. This method is the best way to increase the shelf life of onions.
keep in a cold place
To keep the onion fresh for a long time, it is very important to keep it in a cool place. The temperature where you are storing onions should be around 40-50 degrees. This temperature is considered to be the ideal temperature for storing onions. If they are not kept at this temperature, they will contain moisture and due to moisture, the onion will sprout or rot.
store in dark place
Onions can be stored fresh for a long time in a cool, dry and dark place. Dark places are best for storing onions.
Store onions in nylon stockings
If you want to store onions for a long time, then you can store onions in nylon stockings. This is the best way to keep the onion fresh for a long time. For this, first you take the onion and let it dry. Once the onions are dry, store the onions in nylon stockings. By storing such onions, onions do not get spoiled for a long time.
store onions in buckets
A better way is to keep the onion in a bucket than to keep it in a plastic bag and keep it in the refrigerator. Keeping it in a plastic bag spoils the quality of onion, as well as other vegetables present in the fridge also get damaged due to its contact. If you do not want to store onions in a bucket, you can use a mesh bag, net bag or bamboo container as an alternative.
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