What is the importance of Paras Peepal in Pitru Paksha, these problems are overcome by applying it


Pitru Paksha 2022: The description of Paras Peepal (Portia Tree) is found in mythological texts. Not only medicinal properties are found in it, as well as astrological properties are also present. Let us know about this beneficial and beneficial plant-

Medicinal Properties of Paras Peepal (Portia Tree Uses)
It is said about Paras Peepal that it is capable of removing stress. It is used medicinally to relieve depression. Rubbing its wood and applying it on the head gives relief. Its use makes the skin soft and beautiful. Paras Peepal is used in many skin related diseases. Along with this, it is also used to get rid of addiction.

Astrological Properties of Paras Peepal (Paras Pipal Astrology Benefits)
Paras Peepal is a bonsai form of Peepal. It is believed that instead of putting Paras Peepal in the house, it is better to put the temple premises in the courtyard of the house, near the house. There are different opinions about planting this plant inside the house. Some people do not consider it auspicious to put it in the house. At the same time, it is believed that if there is a problem related to money, then writing the name of Lord Vishnu on 108 leaves of Paras Peepal and flowing it in the river reduces the problem.

Removes the inauspiciousness of Pitru Dosha (Paras Peepal in Pitru Paksha)
Paras Peepal also removes Pitru Dosh. At present, Pitru Paksha is going on. During this, the use of Paras Peepal is considered to be the most to remove this defect. Paras Peepal is related to Guru. It is believed that by offering water to Paras Peepal in Pitru Paksha and touching it daily, Pitru is pleased and Pitru Dosh is removed.

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