Website is real or fake, identify in this way… will not be a victim of online fraud


Internet has made people’s life easier, but has also increased many problems. One wrong click ruins the hard work of the people. All of you must have read about the fraud through fake website through internet. A fake website looks exactly like the real website. Because of this, people are not able to differentiate in this and lose their money. Fake website can be of anything. Be it studies, shopping or news website. Today, through this article, know how you can differentiate between fake and real website.

This is how to identify fake real

If you visit any e-commerce website, then get information about the review of the goods, its return policy, customer support, contact details, office address, etc. If all this is not available on the website, then understand that the website is fake.

When a person or company makes a website, then he has to buy a unique domain name. Every website has a different domain name. If the domain name of a website is similar to another website, then understand that one of these websites is fake. All the information related to the company will not be there on the fake website.

News Reels

While visiting any website, check its policy, content, Google listing etc. If such important information is not given in any website, then understand that it is fake.

– If a website is giving more discount or offer than other website, then don’t trust it either. First check the information related to all the places and then take any step. Fake website gives more greed to attract people.

how to detect hack website

If a website gets hacked then the common man cannot detect it. Only the concerned company, department or institution can give information about the website or if something strange is posted on the website by the hacker, then only it can be known that the website has been hacked. Otherwise it is difficult for a common man to find out.

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