UP Police Radio Cadre Recruitment 2022 Notification Soon: There is good news for the youth of Uttar Pradesh. Soon a good employment opportunity is going to be available in front of the youth who are looking for a job in UP Police. Recruitment is going on for about two and a half thousand posts in Uttar Pradesh Police (UP Police Vacancies). For this the recruitment process (UP Police Radio Cadre Recruitment 2022) has started. For who will conduct this recruitment process, the Uttar Pradesh Police Recruitment and Promotion Board (UPPRPB) has started the process of selecting the recruitment agency.
The following posts will be filled –
According to the Uttar Pradesh Police Recruitment and Promotion Board, about two and a half thousand posts will be recruited in the police radio cadre i.e. radio cadre. Out of these, 120 posts have been fixed for workshop staff, 1374 posts for assistant operators and 936 posts for head operators. However, this is indicative information which is subject to change.
How will the selection be done?
There will be an OMMR based offline written examination for these three posts. The selection of the candidates who will pass the exam will be final. The Recruitment Board has released the Request for Quotation (RFQ) through its website. The query related to this has been sought till 26 September 2022. Talking about the future plan, tenders will be taken for the working organization from 10 am to 2 pm.
Candidates will also be selected in this quota –
The Recruitment Board has selected 11 candidates out of 23 posts of the deceased dependent quota constable. Selected candidates will now be given training. They will be recruited after the completion of training. To get the latest updates in this regard, keep checking the official website from time to time and only follow the information given on the official website as true.
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