Twitter Rate limit and revenue sharing policy: Elon Musk had decided to impose a rate limit on Twitter earlier this month. After this, users can see only limited posts in a day. Recently, Elon Musk had also shared the information that now the company will share some part of the Ads revenue with the creators. Only those people will get the money who will be eligible for it. Meanwhile, the company has updated its revenue and rate limit policy.
Actually, a Twitter user (Peeny2x) tweeted and wrote that I think my daily limit is getting fulfilled soon. The rate limit is very low for verified users. In response to this, Elon Musk wrote that the rate limit will be fulfilled when someone scrolls continuously for 8 hours on the platform. If someone is doing something wrong then it can be completed quickly. In response, the user shared a screenshot of screen time with Musk. Seeing this, Musk wrote that – We are increasing the rate limit by 50% and it will start sometime from now.
I feel like I’m hitting my rate limit a lot today, but it has a shorter time window now.
Just me?
— Penny2x (@imPenny2x) July 15, 2023
To install As promised.
Soon, we will share ad revenue from profile page views, which should roughly double payouts.
Note, only views from verified users count, as it is otherwise trivial to bot scam the view count.
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) July 16, 2023
Revenue sharing policy also updated
At present, the company is sharing a part of the Ads revenue with the creators. For this, the user’s account should have more than 5 million tweet impressions every month in the last 3 months. Meanwhile, Elon Musk said that soon the company will share revenue on the basis of page views as well, which will double the payout. That is, popular content creators will benefit more.
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