Telegram News: Encrypted messaging app Telegram has announced that it is rolling out a new update that allows users to add countless reaction and emoji statuses. With this, users will be able to express their feelings with their peers in a more effective way. The company said that premium users can take countless collection reactions of custom emoji. Users can add up to 3 reactions to each of their messages.
The company said in a post, now all users can use countless reactions, although this was not the case earlier. Also, users can explain their feelings to their peers in a more effective way. The company said that earlier this feature was available only for Telegram Premium users. The company says that to combine all the new emoji, they have redesigned the reaction panel, which has made this possible. These changes in React are now also available for group chat or even one-to-one chat.
Animated emoji states like premium badges
With the new update, group admins can control whether custom reactions can be used in their groups. Also now, premium users can add an animated emoji status next to their name. “This custom status will act as your premium badge in the chat list, in your profile and in groups,” the company said.
For this, users will have to tap on the premium badge at the top of their chat list. Or to change your status, you have to go to Settings. According to Telegram, to set the status for a specific period, press and hold the emoji. The company said that anyone can use Telegram’s open emoji platform.
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