The havoc of ‘diabetes’ is spreading all over the world! One billion people will get this disease by 2050


Due to unhealthy lifestyle and unhealthy food habits, the havoc of serious diseases is increasing day by day. Cancer patients are increasing. The number of patients with high blood pressure is increasing. The disease of diabetes is also spreading its wings. Earlier, these diseases used to surround older people. However, nowadays these diseases are spreading rapidly among youth and children as well. According to a report, by the year 2050, about one billion population (100 crore) of the world may be in the grip of diabetes.

According to the report of ‘Mirror’, academics say that this disease will increase havoc in every country of the world and in people of all ages. This means that by 2050, people suffering from diabetes will not only include the elderly, but along with them, middle-aged people, youth and children will also be included. This prediction has been made in a research regarding diabetes. In this research published in The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology Journal, it has been said that by the year 2050, this disease will spread all over the world. 1 out of eight people will suffer from this disease.

This disease will grow aggressively!

This figure of one billion is double the 53 crore cases of 2021. Shivani Agarwal, a doctor at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York, told that diabetes is one of the biggest health threats at this time. In the next 3 decades, this disease is going to increase aggressively in every country, every gender and every age group.

More than 10.1 crore patients in India

Unhealthy eating is one of the reasons for the rise of diabetes. Nowadays people have started eating unhealthy things more. This is the reason that there are possibilities of rapid growth of this disease. According to a study by The Lancet, more than 101 million people in India currently have diabetes. In the last four years, a rapid jump has been seen in the patients of this disease.

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