Diabetes : जानिए डायबिटीज के मरीजों को प्याज खाना चाहिए या नहीं

[ad_1] प्याज हर भारतीय किचन में इस्तेमाल होता है. चाहे सब्जी बनाना हो या फिर दाल…

पैरों से आए ऐसी बदबू तो भूलकर भी ना करें नजरअंदाज, हो सकती है दो बड़ी बीमारियों की दस्तक, ऐसे रखें ख्याल

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What Are The Indications Of Diabetes

[ad_1] <p>Get to know through an expert about diabetes and its symptoms through the video.&nbsp;</p> [ad_2]…

चीनी के बदले गुड़ खाने से कंट्रोल में रहता है डायबिटीज, जानें क्या कहता है आयुर्वेद?

[ad_1] डायबिटीज की बीमारी लोगों को तेजी से अपना शिकार बना रही है. आम बोलचाल की…

The havoc of ‘diabetes’ is spreading all over the world! One billion people will get this disease by 2050

[ad_1] Due to unhealthy lifestyle and unhealthy food habits, the havoc of serious diseases is increasing…

Understand the difference between diabetes and pre-diabetes in 7 points – How can you survive after being pre-diabetic?

[ad_1] ‘There are more than 10 crore diabetes patients in India.’ The condition of India is…

People of this age should avoid diabetes, one of your mistakes can spoil your health

[ad_1] Diabetes: Being a chronic disease, diabetes can increase the risk of many diseases. Due to…

Diabetes patients should do these 5 things daily before sleeping, ‘sugar’ will come under control

[ad_1] Night Routine For Diabetes Patient: Diabetes is an incurable disease, which if not controlled on…

If you are also doing these 4 mistakes in food…. then you will not even know and you will become ‘diabetes’

[ad_1] By eating healthy food and making some necessary changes in lifestyle, all kinds of diseases…

If you never want to become a patient of ‘diabetes’, then stop eating these 6 things from today itself.

[ad_1] Bad lifestyle and food have imposed many diseases on people these days. Whether cholesterol, what…