The best way to avoid stress, know how you can live a stress free life


How To Live Stress Free: To reduce stress or its bad effect on our heart and mind, change the way we understand and see stress. If you are thinking about anything. If we have some reflection or are a little stressed, then stop getting angry with yourself for that matter. The author of a book on stress management believes that stress may be high, but make it a habit to feel less. Stress gives you the strength to understand the events properly, and sometimes even mild stress gives us confidence that we can come out of stressful situations.

If you always think that stress is bad then this thinking needs to be changed. Actually, our body naturally responds to some demanding or different type of situation and this is the neurobiological response, which many times we understand stress and get upset about it.

Vaile Wright, senior director of the American Psychological Association, believes that stress can be positive or negative for any event, but we must learn to manage it. Many times there is a little tension for an event or something, then they are not able to perform well in that event because of that uneasiness or thinking about it, because of taking tension. Stress makes you motivated and ready to face challenges.

Follow these steps to relieve stress

1- 4-5 habits to reduce chronic stress are very useful, in which first of all, eating right, drinking plenty of water, getting 7-8 hours of sleep and doing things that you enjoy.
2- If ever you are stuck in a stressful situation, to avoid it, do short walks or do breathing exercises. This is a physical way to reduce stress.
3- If you are under more stress due to any reason, then to bring yourself to rest, connect on social media, talk to friends or relax yourself in a spiritual or meditative way.
4- Make yourself a little flexible about stress. This means that when there is tension, instead of increasing it, think that it is a part of life. If you want to avoid stress too much, then understand and stay away from those situations which cause stress.

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