आमदनी अठन्नी- खर्चा रुपैया, दिवालिया होने की दहलीज पर है चैटजीपीटी बनाने वाली कंपनी

[ad_1] <p>आर्टिफिशियल इंटेलीजेंस की दुनिया में क्रांति लाने वाली चैटजीपीटी के साथ अलग तरह की समस्या…

Publicly available data will be out of reach of AI, Chat GPT and Bard will not be able to use

[ad_1] Personal data will be shielded from AI: Some time ago Google changed the privacy policy…

42% business tycoons feel that AI will end humanity, just read this report

[ad_1] Humaity at risk: AI is in a lot of discussions this year. While artificial intelligence…

Challenge Accepted: CEO of Tech Mahindra accepted the challenge of CEO of OpenAI, understand what is it

[ad_1] Tech Mahindra CEO CP Gurnani has accepted the challenge of Sam Altman, co-founder of OpenAI.…

Weekly Tech Wrap: Apple’s AR/VR Headset, Altman’s AI Warnings, Paedophilia On Instagram, More

[ad_1] iPhone maker Apple finally popped its AR/VR cherry, AI’s biggest player warns against AI, shocking…

PM Modi said- AI is effective in broadening the country’s tech ecosystem

[ad_1] Regarding Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology, Prime Minister Narendra Modi (PM Narendra Modi) said on Friday…

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman meets PM Modi, know what was discussed about India

[ad_1] Sam Altman, Chief Executive Officer of OpenAI, the company that created the platform ChatGPT based…

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman came to India, will meet PM Modi, know what he said about India

[ad_1] Sam Altman, CEO of Artificial Intelligence technology platform OpenAI, reached India on Wednesday. Altman PM…

ChatGPT head also worried about the risks of AI? Demand for global agency to regulate

[ad_1] Artificial Intelligence: The head of the artificial intelligence company that made ChatGPT wants the involvement…

Will OpenAI train GPT-5 or is there some other plan now? Sam Altman made these revelations

[ad_1] GPT 5 : The launch of ChatGPT has shaken the world of Artificial Intelligence. The…