फैटी लिवर की बीमारी से जूझ रहे हैं हर 10 में से 3 भारतीय, रिसर्च में हुआ बड़ा खुलासा

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आमिर खान बताया था क्या होता है गुड और बैड टच, अपने बच्चों को जरूर सिखाएं ये सबक

[ad_1] महाराष्ट्र के बदलापुर में कुछ हफ़्ते पहले एक स्कूल में सफाई कर्मचारी ने 4 साल…

पालतू कुत्ते से भी आपको हो सकता है रेबीज, एक छोटी सी गलती हो सकती है जानलेवा

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https://www.abplive.com/short-videos/health-and-fitness/How To Save Yourself From Dengue!

[ad_1] <p>Keep away from the following things to save yourself from Dengue!</p> [ad_2] Source link

If you catch these changes in urine on time, you can avoid this serious disease.

[ad_1] Signs Of Prostate Cancer: Prostate cancer is a cancer that can be found in one…

Silent cancer captures the body in this way, identify the symptoms like this

[ad_1] Silent Cancers: Most of the symptoms of cancer are not visible in the beginning and…

Do not ignore these initial symptoms of oral cancer considering it as a minor disease.

[ad_1] Oral Cancer Symptoms: Disease like cancer kills half of the people who eat tobacco. There…

How many types of lumps are formed in the ovary

[ad_1] Ovarian Cysts: Women are not very vigilant about their health. This is the reason why…

If the child hesitates to talk to new people, then it is important to know

[ad_1] Stranger anxiety, symptoms and prevention Small children appear very active in front of their parents.…

Twitter fixed this dangerous bug, there was a risk of hacking

[ad_1] Twitter News: Twitter has uncovered a bug that allowed accounts to remain logged in on…