सावधान ! नाखून चबाने की आदत है खतरनाक, जानें क्या है नुकासान, कैसे छुटेगी ये Bad Habit

[ad_1] Nail Biting Side Effects : अक्सर हमें घर पर नाखून चबाने (Nail Biting) पर डांट पड़ती है. इसे…

The habit of nail biting can make you very ill, know what are its dangerous consequences

[ad_1] Some habits cannot be removed, nail biting is one such habit. What we consider as…

If you have a habit of biting nails, then be careful, you are inviting this dangerous ‘infection’

[ad_1] Paronychia: If you also bite nails with your mouth instead of nail cutter, then be…

nail biting disease making your body hollow

[ad_1] Harms of Nail Biting: Often people make their nails their food and spend most of…