Sarvapitri Amavasya today, do not do this work even by forgetting, otherwise the ancestors will be angry


Sarva Pitru Amavasya 2022: The last day of performing Shradh in Pitru Paksha i.e. Amavasya of Ashwin month is today, September 25, Sunday. According to religious beliefs, on the day of Sarva Pitri Amavasya, all the people should compulsorily do Shradh, Tarpan and Pind Daan of ancestors. By doing this, the blessings of ancestors will remain throughout the year.

Sarvapitri Amavasya is also called Mahalaya Amavasya. According to religious beliefs, Shradh of all ancestors, known and unknown, should be performed on this day. Those who do not remember the date of death of their ancestors, then they must perform Shradh on the day of Sarva Pitri Amavasya. It is said that by performing Shradh on this day, the ancestors attain salvation and get the blessings of the ancestors. Their blessings bring happiness, prosperity and good fortune. In religious texts, it is forbidden to do some work on the day of Sarvapitri Amavasya. That’s why this work should not be done today.

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doors From Any To nor return empty Hand

On the last day of Pitru Paksha i.e. today, do not return Sarva Pitru Amavasya without giving anything to anyone from home. That is, do not return him empty handed. If any poor brahmin, needy, weak, helpless, growth, woman etc. is asking for something, then give him something according to his ability. By doing this, the ancestors are pleased.

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Today, on the day of Sarvapitri Amavasya, no one should be insulted, known or unknown. Don’t say bad things to anyone. Otherwise the father gets angry.

Absolutely Too nor do These things of intake

According to Hindu religious texts, do not consume vengeful food like garlic, onion, egg, meat, fish, or alcohol at all on the day of Sarvapitri Amavasya. Apart from this, avoid consumption of Kulthi, lentils and flaxseeds. The ancestors are annoyed by the consumption of these things.

Disclaimer: The information provided here is based on assumptions and information only. It is important to mention here that does not endorse any kind of belief, information. Before applying any information or assumption, consult the concerned expert.


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