Cabinet Secretariat Recruitment 2022: The Cabinet Secretariat has issued a notification. According to which 15 posts will be recruited. Candidates can apply for this recruitment drive in offline mode. For which candidates can apply till 21 November. For more information related to recruitment, candidates should read the information given below carefully.
this recruitment drive
According to the notification, this recruitment drive will be conducted for 15 Deputy Field Officer (Group-B Non-Gazetted) posts.
Candidates applying for these posts should have a bachelor’s degree in Chinese language or two-year diploma in Chinese language or equivalent course.
age limit
Candidates age should be between 21 to 30 years. Whereas reserved category candidates will be given relaxation in upper age limit.
The selected candidates on these posts will be given a salary of up to Rs 44 thousand 900 per month.
Selection Process
Candidates will be selected for these posts on the basis of written test and interview. There will be two papers in the written examination. The examination will be conducted for two hours for 100 marks for each of these two papers. The exam will be of 200 marks by combining both the papers. The first paper will be for English Grammar/Comprehension, Essay etc. Paper II – English Language Proficiency Test. The interview will be of 40 marks.
apply like this
To apply for the recruitment, candidates can download the form by visiting the official website cabsec.gov.in and send the required documents to Surface Post Bag No. 001, Lodhi Road Head Post Office, New Delhi-110003.
Recruitment out here-
Chandigarh Housing Board has invited applications for 89 posts. To apply for this recruitment drive, candidates can apply by visiting the official website www.chbonline.in. Candidates can apply for these posts till 31 October.
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