People of this age should avoid diabetes, one of your mistakes can spoil your health


Diabetes: Being a chronic disease, diabetes can increase the risk of many diseases. Due to the changing lifestyle, today a large number of people are coming under the grip of diabetes. This disease is also increasing gradually in the youth. According to the Diabetic Association of Britain, in the last four-five years, the cases of diabetes have increased by 23 percent in people under the age of 40. This condition is not only of Britain but also of India. Here too, diabetes is increasing rapidly in people after 30-40 years. Let us know at what age the risk of diabetes is highest and what should be done to avoid it.

At what age is the risk of diabetes the highest?

According to a report, after the age of 45, the risk of type 2 diabetes increases the most. This type of diabetes has been found in 14% of people in America. The age of all of them is from 45 to 64 years. This number is about 5 times more than those in the age group of 18 to 44 years. As the age increases, the risk of diabetes also increases. Type 2 diabetes is also found in those 65 years or more.

If you want to avoid diabetes then do 5 things

1. First of all improve your lifestyle. Do not eat too sweet nor too salty. Make as much distance as possible from oily things, eat green vegetables and avoid junk food, alcohol, cigarettes.

2. Exercise daily. If you are not able to do workouts, then at least try to walk regularly for 3 minutes.

3. Sleep early and try to get up early in the morning. Blood sugar can increase if you do not get enough sleep. Avoid taking stress. If there is stress and anxiety, first of all try to get out of it.

4. If your weight has increased, reduce it as soon as possible. Increased weight brings with it many diseases including diabetes.

5. Try to work in a healthy environment as much as possible. Whatever work you do, do it with your heart. Don’t do that work at all, in which you don’t feel like it. Otherwise such problems will arise due to increase in stress and pressure.

Disclaimer: Before following the methods, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, do take the advice of a doctor or a related expert.

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