Is your fast increasing weight an invitation to these diseases?


Weight For Health: Weight gain is a big problem. The overall health condition of a person deteriorates due to many reasons and the biggest reason among them is extra fat. We can also call increasing weight a danger because it invites many diseases. Therefore, for most of the diseases, doctors and health experts always advise to bring the weight under control first. There are many diseases related to weight gain, it is important to understand what is the link between those diseases and increasing weight. So today in this news we are going to tell you about those diseases which surround you with increasing weight.

type 2 diabetes

A study by the US National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases revealed that 8 out of 10 people with type 2 diabetes are overweight or obese. In such a situation, they are advised that if you are at risk of type 2 diabetes, then 5 to 7 percent of your body weight is reduced.

high blood pressure

Do you know That there is a direct connection between blood pressure and weight. People with blood pressure are always advised to reduce their weight first and include physical exercise in their daily routine. As the weight starts increasing, the blood pressure either starts increasing or starts decreasing.

heart disease

In many researches related to obesity, it has been revealed that obesity has a direct connection with heart disease and the risk of health increases as obesity increases. Many studies show that increasing obesity can be responsible for your deteriorating health. Obesity is a major risk factor in all types of diseases ranging from heart attack to high.

fatty liver disease

As the name suggests, fatty liver disease occurs when the build-up of fat in the liver exceeds its normal level. Normally there is a small amount of fat in the liver. When this fat level increases to 5 to 10% of the weight of your liver, then the person gets fatty liver.

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