Internet: This is the world’s safest web browser, only 1% of people in India use it


Safest web browser: Today, if we have to search anything new, then we all first go to the Google search engine. Here we put the query in the search bar and we get the answer. There are many web browsers available in the market but most people use Google Chrome browser only. The share of this browser is around 66% worldwide. Do you know which is the world’s safest web browser? If there is no fire, then know about this.

This is the world’s safest web browser

According to a report by Atlas VPN, Google Chrome has been the most unsafe browser of 2022. In this, about 303 flaws were seen during this period, which is the highest number of problems faced in any one year so far. So far, a total of 3,000 different flaws have been seen in Google Chrome. At the same time, the browser which is most secure and safe is Apple’s Safari browser. Compared to Google, very few problems were noted during this period. This browser was launched by the company in 2003, after which it became popular worldwide. This browser provides many facilities like Secure Browsing Experience, Tabbed and Private Browsing etc. to the people. By the third quarter of 2022, only 26 problems were noted in it, which is very less compared to Google Chrome.

shocking report

The surprising thing is that even after having a safe browser, only 1% people in India use this browser. People who have iPhone also prefer Google Chrome for search over Safari. According to StatCounter, a website that tracks different browsers, the Google Chrome browser is the most widely used desktop browser worldwide. After this Safari and Microsoft are the next two most popular browsers with 11.87 percent and 11 percent users respectively. Even after being the most unsafe browser, people all over the world use Google Chrome browser only. Perhaps the reason for this is the company’s goodwill, popularity and people’s trust.

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