If you want to get alert of bad weather or flood in your mobile phone, then turn on this setting


Bad weather and flood warnings on your smartphone: Due to heavy rains and cloudburst, there has been a huge loss in the mandi of Himachal Pradesh. Apart from Himachal, many scary pictures are also coming out in Chandigarh, Uttarakhand and other states. Today, through this article, we are going to tell you how you can get every update related to the weather on your smartphone. Along with this, you can see the information related to flood or heavy rains in time. Due to increase in global temperature, heat wave, cloud burst, forest fire and many more have become common now. We cannot stop these incidents, but we can save our life and property from them by getting weather changes and alerts on mobile on time.

Be it Android or iOS, you can get weather updates by turning on a setting on both. For this you have to follow the steps given below

iPhone will be like this

  • First open the weather app and click on the list icon
  • Now click on the notification and turn on Severe Weather. After turning it on, you will start getting updates related to the weather.
  • You can set your location with the help of Plus icon. If you want, you can also customize the alert tone and vibration pattern according to different seasons. Along with this, add the weather widget to the lockscreen as well so that you can get updates on time.

do this in android

  • Go to the settings of your Android smartphone and go to the advanced and more option by clicking here in the notification
  • Here you will see the option of Emergency Alerts or weather alerts, click on it
  • Then you will see different types of alert icons. Out of these, turn on weather related alerts.

The advantage of keeping the weather alert on is that you will get weather information in time and you will be able to prepare yourself accordingly.

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