If AC is set at 30 to 32 degrees to avoid cold, will the room be warm?


30 to 32 degree temperature will do this

Actually, the air conditioner installed in our house is made to cool the room and not to heat it. When we run the AC in summer, the AC absorbs the hot air and processes this air with the refrigerant and coil inside it and throws cold air, which cools down the room. Usually the ACs that are installed in our house cannot cool the room because they are made to reduce the temperature of the room. Your room can be warm in this season only if you have bought ‘Hot and Cold’ AC or you already have such AC.

Let us understand with an example

 When the room temperature is 30 degree Celsius in summer, we reduce the temperature of the AC. If you set the AC at 25 degree Celsius, then the compressor of your AC starts working and gradually reduces the temperature of the room. Once the room temperature reaches 25 degrees, the AC compressor stops working and only the fan runs. When once again the temperature rises, then the compressor will work and this process continues.

At present it is getting dangerously cold in the capital Delhi. In such a situation, the temperature of the room remains around 8 to 10 or 12 degrees in the morning. If you set the  temperature of the AC to 30 to 32 degree Celsius, then in such a situation only its fan will work because the room temperature is already low. You must remember that the ACs installed in our homes only reduce the temperature of the room. So in such a situation when the room temperature is already low the AC will just give you air. Nothing else will happen than this, but the room will be colder. Normal ACs are made only to cool the room. So they cannot heat the room. 

If you want to heat the room then do this

If you want to heat your room with AC in winter, then for this you will have to buy more ‘Hot and Cold AC’. Hot and cold ACs are available in the market, which will cost you between Rs 30 and 35,000.

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