Government will ban the sale of counterfeit medicines, QR code based track-and-trace system is coming


QR Codes Scan: Over the years, there have been many cases of sale of counterfeit medicines in the market. An important step is being taken by the government to overcome the problem of these counterfeit medicines. It is being decided by the government to provide QR code scan on the product to check the authenticity of medicines. According to the news, the government is preparing to launch a ‘track and trace’ system for medicines sold in bulk, this will help control the use of counterfeit medicines.

QR Code Scanning Steps

According to reports, in the initial phase of QR code scan, prints of barcodes or Quick Response (QR) codes will be pasted on the ‘primary’ packaging label of 300 most sold drugs. Let us tell you that here by primary packaging means the product packaging of the first level, in which only the things to be sold are kept; Sealed packaging such as bottles, cans, jars and tubes. Let us tell you right here that antibiotics, cardiac, pain killers and anti-allergy can be included in these 300 best-selling drugs in the market and their MRP is Rs 100 per medicine. Let’s be more than leaves.

Track & Trace Mechanism

According to the news, this step was to be taken by the government a decade ago, but due to lack of preparedness in the domestic pharma industry, it was put on hold for some time. Apart from this, let us tell you that the “Track and Trace” mechanism for export has also been stopped till next year. In this, a barcode or QR code will be pasted on the package label of medicines, which when scanned by your mobile, the software will inform about its authentication. Explain that as soon as the software is implemented, the authenticity of the medicine can be checked by feeding the Unique ID Code on the website developed by the Ministry of Consumer Affairs. Also, let us tell you that it can also be tracked through mobile phone or text message.

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