Telegram Stories feature: Many of you must be using Telegram app. There are many such features in it which people do not get in Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. Long files can be easily shared through Telegram. The option of bots is also available in this. Meanwhile, the company has given another amazing feature on the app. Although initially the company was thinking of not giving this feature on the app as it is present on all platforms. But seeing its popularity, the company has started giving it to Telegram users as well. Means it has gone live for some people.
What is the new feature?
Actually, now you will be able to set a story on Telegram like Instagram and Facebook. The company has started rolling out this feature, which will be available to everyone by next week. This feature is exactly like Insta Story in which you can share photos, videos and text.
Telegram introduces stories.#Telegram #stories pic.twitter.com/2tKuiD1wce
— Abhishek Yadav (@yabhishekhd) June 27, 2023
These things make it unique
However, with this feature, the company is giving some such options to the people which are not available to the people on Instagram.
- The first is that you will be able to choose the story time, for how long it will be visible to the people. such as 6, 12, 24, or 48 hours
- You will be able to decide who will see the story, i.e. Contacts, Close Friends, Everyone or Selected.
- Dual camera support will be available. That is, you will be able to put photos as well as videos on the story. For example, if you are in a park, then you will be able to put the video of the park from the back camera of the mobile and your selfie from the front in the same story.
- You will be able to move the story posted by others to hidden contacts, so it will not appear on the top.
A video of this feature has been shared by tipster Abhishek Yadav. We are adding it here. With this, you can understand about the new feature in a better way.
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