Eating fish every week can invite skin cancer


Skin Cancer Risk: Fish is a good source of protein. By eating this, there is sufficient amount of protein in the body, fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D and many other nutrients. Eating too much fish can be dangerous for your health. Fish is rich in protein, high calories and fat. People who eat non-veg like to eat fish. Doctors also say to eat fish. It is rich in omega-3, fatty acids, vitamin D and vitamin B2. According to the NIH-AARP Diet and Health Study (NIH-AARP Diet and Health Study) of Brown University of America, eating fish can invite skin cancer. This has been revealed in the research done on 4 lakh 91 thousand 367 people.

According to cancer specialist Dr. Niti Raizada, eating fish increases the level of melanoma in every human being. No proof of this has been found. But secondly it is also true that eating fish poses a risk of skin cancer. This environment depends on the season, type of fish and method of cooking. According to doctors, eating steamed fish can be beneficial for health, but eating fried fish can also prove to be harmful. Frying fish in oil reduces the amount of omega-3 fatty acids found inside it. In such a situation, one thing you must do is that you should avoid eating fish everyday. Doctors also believe that fish should be eaten only once a week. More than this can prove dangerous for your skin.

disadvantages of eating fish

fish is a sea food

Fish is a sea food. Before eating it, check it well that it is okay. Otherwise, eating it excessively can cause problems like itching, red spots, allergies.

PCB (Primary Biliary Cholangitis)

Eating fish increases the level of PCB (Primary Biliary Cholangitis) in the body. Due to increase in the level of PCB, it has a bad effect on the brain. It can also increase the risk of amnesia.

the effect of fish is hot

Fish is a seafood, but its effect is very hot. If it is eaten in excess, it can prove to be very dangerous for your skin.

It is forbidden to eat fish during pregnancy

Eating more fish during pregnancy increases the risk of miscarriage.

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