Deepika Padukone has also suffered heart disease, know which disease caused her to be in the hospital


Deepika Padukone Suffering From Heart Arrhythmia: Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone has also suffered from heart disease. A few days ago, during the shooting, Deepika Padukone’s health suddenly deteriorated, after which she was immediately admitted to the hospital. Doctors had told that his heart rate had increased, due to which he was getting nervous.

Doctors did several tests of Deepika, after which she was sent home after recovering. Deepika Padukone is fine at the moment but do you know what happened to Deepika Padukone? Why did his heartbeat suddenly increase?


According to the news, symptoms of Heart Arrhythmia have been seen in Deepika Padukone. Because this is not the first time that Deepika Padukone has been admitted to the hospital. Now the question must be arising in your mind that what is this disease after all? Let’s know.

What is Heart Arrhythmia
Actually the human heart has a rate and rhythm of beating and if that rhythm gets disturbed then it is called Heart Arrhythmia. This is a type of heart disorder. Behind this rate and rhythm of the heart is the electrical process of the heart, which conducts electrical impulses. Now these are the electrical impulses of the heart, they pass through a prescribed path. These signals coordinate the activity of the Heart Muscles, that is, they make a rhythm. So that the heart can comfortably throw blood in and out. Now there is a problem of heart arrhythmia in the paths through which these electrical impulses pass or if there is a problem in the electrical impulse itself.

What is the danger of heart arrhythmia
Heart arrhythmia does not cause damage in most cases. But when this problem creates a problem in the flow of blood to the brain, lungs, heart or other essential organs, then it can also prove to be life-threatening.

Heart Arrhythmia Symptoms

  • miss heartbeat
  • flutter in the neck or chest
  • fast or slow heart rate
  • chest pain
  • respiratory distress
  • fainting and fatigue
  • sweating profusely

Heart Arrhythmia Cause
There are many reasons behind the occurrence of heart arrhythmia disease. The reason for this can range from high blood pressure, depression, exercise, stress or tension to allergies, colds.

Disclaimer: ABP News does not confirm the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article. Take these only as suggestions. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, please consult a doctor.

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