Coal India Recruitment 2022: Vacancies have been taken out by Coal India Limited for many posts, for which notification has been issued by it. Coal India Limited has released this vacancy for Medical Executive posts. Eligible and interested candidates can apply for these posts by visiting the official website coalindia.in. The process of application for these posts will start from 29 September and the last date to apply is 29 October 2022. A total of 108 posts will be recruited through these recruitment process. to the candidates
Know Vacancy Details
Senior Medical Specialist: 39 Posts
Senior Medical Officer: 68 Posts
Senior Medical Officer (Dental): 1 Post
Age Range
The upper age limit for Senior Medical Specialist (E4 Grade) Gen/UR is 42 years.
Senior Medical Officer (Including Dental / Medical Specialist in E3 Grade) Upper age limit for General / UR is 35 years.
Learn how to apply
Candidates can send the filled application form to the below mentioned address.
Address: Dy. GM(Personnel)/HoD(EE), at Executive Establishment Department, 2 nd Floor, Coal Estate, Western Coalfields Limited, Civil Lines, Nagpur, Maharashtra-440001.
Know the selection process
Candidates will be selected through interview. The selection process for this recruitment is available on the website of Coal India Limited (CIL). The candidates applying for these posts are advised to first check the complete details by visiting the official website so that there is no problem of any kind before applying.
apply like this
Step 1: First of all candidates visit the official website.
Step 2: After that click on “Recruitment” on the candidate dashboard.
Step 3: Then select the candidate post.
Step 4: Now candidates download the application form and fill it in the prescribed format.
Step 5: Finally, candidates should send the application form to the address given in the notification.
MAIDS Jobs 2022: Recruitment for many posts including Lab Technician, see details here
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