Chat GPT: In November last year, Open AI made ‘Chat GPT’ live. Within just a week, it did what YouTube, Google, Netflix, Facebook etc could never do. One million traffic was seen on Chat GPT within just 1 week. Chat GPT is an AI tool in which all publicly available data has been fed. It can answer your every question in a better and simpler way than Google.
To know its capabilities in depth, we personally asked it the question that what should a person do if he wants to become an actor or actress in India? You will be surprised to know the answer of Chat GPT on this. This chatbot told in simple words that which Google tells you through long wide pages. We have also attached a picture for your convenience.
This is necessary to become an actor or actress- chatGPT
Chat GPT told that if a person wants to become a successful actor or actress, then he should have knowledge of the film industry. A person should first have the knowledge of the society, then he should study related to the film industry. Chatbot told that along with studies, a person should continuously participate in such events where he can keep his acting skills and other things in the society. One can go to drama school or theater etc. to study film industry.
Chat GPT also told how important it is to build a network for a successful career. If you are only learning acting and not performing it (putting it in front of the public at a large level), then in a way your knowledge will remain on the ground. That’s why you get involved in such events and gatherings where you can present your talent to the public. With this you will move towards the world of acting as well as the public will also get to know you. The better your network, the better your career will be.
online presence
The chatbot told that it is necessary to have an online presence at present. If you want to become a successful actor or actress, then your digital account should be on apps through which you can put your talent in front of the public. Along with studies, if you keep your talent among people through internet, then you will start getting work and you will move forward in your career. Internet can reach you to those people from where you can show your mettle in big films or songs.
Open AI’s chatbot also told that acting career is not a child’s play. That is, a lot of hard work has to be done for this and it is not necessary that everyone should get the taste which has been on the mouths of big giants. However, the chatbot definitely said that if a person works with hard work, determination and a smart way, then he can definitely make his place somewhere in the industry.
This company has made chatbot
This chatbot which is telling you everything has been prepared by Open AI. Open AI is a company doing research on Artificial Intelligence. This company was started in 2015 by Elon Musk and Sam Altman together. However, Musk later parted ways with the company. Currently openAI’s chatbot has created a sensation all over the world and everyone is talking about it.
Disclaimer! Whatever answers/responses have come after asking questions on OpenAI’s ChatGPT, we have used them exactly in the news. We are not responsible for the responses provided by ChatGPT or their effects.
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