Diabetes patients are forbidden to eat sweets, doing so can increase the sugar level and increase complications, but a new study has revealed that honey is beneficial for patients with diabetes and high cholesterol. Despite being high in calories and high in sugar, it does not harm blood sugar and cholesterol levels.
Raw honey is effective in reducing sugar and cholesterol
This is really a surprising study. In a study by researchers at Canada’s University of Toronto, it has been found that honey can prove to be beneficial for cardiometabolic health. Raw honey can help in reducing fasting glucose and high cholesterol, not only this, honey is also very beneficial in protecting against fatty liver disease. The researchers of this research say that if honey is included in the diet instead of sugar or other sweets, then it will have a lot of health benefits, especially for people who have up to 10% sugar in their diet, raw honey is very beneficial. Could. Although raw honey has been described as beneficial in research.
Researchers say that raw honey and monofloral honey gives the most cardiometabolic benefits. Honey contains about 80% sugar, yet it can be considered a healthy food. Honey contains proteins, organic acids, rare sugars and bioactive compounds that make it make healthy
This study does not apply to Indians
According to diabetes expert Dr. Mohan, this study is biased in a way, because this study is a It has been done in non-South Asian population who did not have diabetes, BP or obesity, but more than half of the people in India are either diabetic or are at risk of getting it at some stage of life. One has to be very cautious about its use in India. Apart from this, carbohydrates were less in the people on whom this study was done. Less than 10 percent of the calories obtained from sugar were found. Although 60 to 70% of the total calories in India come from carbohydrates, if you eat this honey in any way, you can increase the risk of diabetes. This again is a matter of concern for those Indians who suffer from obesity and dyslipidemia. suffer from. The findings may not be applicable to most Indians.
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