Telegram Premium Badge: Messaging app Telegram has cut monthly subscription fee for its premium users in India. The company has reduced the price from Rs 469 to Rs 179. According to a report by TechCrunch, the announcement comes on the company’s large user base in one of its biggest markets. India is one of the biggest markets for Telegram. According to reports, more than 120 million users use Telegram every month in the country.
According to a recent research by TechARC, at least one in five users in India prefer Telegram over WhatsApp for various reasons, including making it secure and respecting privacy, features like channels, allowing users in a single group and large Includes sharing of shape files. Telegram is reportedly sending a message to users in India, according to which the membership plan for the customers has been reduced from Rs 469 to Rs 179.
According to statistics, more than 32 percent of users send important and secret messages on Telegram. Last month, the encrypted messaging app rolled out a new update that gave users more ways to use the new emoji to express how they’re feeling. With the new update, group admins can control whether custom responses can be used in their groups.
animated emoji status feature
Telegram Premium users will now be able to add animated emoji status to the app. This custom status will replace the premium badge in the chat list, in profiles, and in groups.
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