BGMI now available: Battle Ground Mobile India ie BGMI is available for download on Playstore and App Store from today. If you have installed the game, then it might not be running in your phone now or it might be working in very few people’s phones. This is because the game is being released in phase manner and it will be available to everyone gradually. If you are getting impatient to play the game and are troubled by the notice coming on the mobile, then we are going to tell you a simple trick with the help of which you will be able to play the game.
this is smart trick
Game developer Krafton has released the 2.5 update of BGMI. If you are getting ‘Server Not Online’ or ‘Rollout in Phase’ written after downloading it, then follow this trick to open the game.
- First turn off mobile data or WiFi and also close BGMI and remove it from background
- Now open the game again after waiting for 5 seconds. Here you will be asked to open the Internet.
- Turn on internet and login through social media handles
- After login you will be able to play the game
We tried this trick and the game started working. You can also try it once. If still the game is not running in your phone, then you will have to wait for 48 more hours so that it will be rolled out for all.
The game has come with new rules
The first thing is that BGMI Permanent has not come yet. This is in the temporary phase on which the government will take the final decision after 3 months. Children below 18 years of age will be able to play the game only for 3 hours. Also, they will need parents’ permission to login to the game. People above 18 years of age can play only 6 hours of the game in a day. Also, a maximum of Rs 7,000 can be invested in a day.
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