An easy way to feed apples to children, they will taste like this


Healthy Apple Recipes: The most beneficial fruit apple season starts in the month of September. Apples from Kashmir to Shimla attract the attention of the people in the market. Eating apples is very beneficial for health. Doctors recommend eating 1 apple daily. There are many benefits of eating apple in the morning. The juicy and mild sour sweet taste of apples makes it even more delicious. Although sometimes children find eating apple a bit boring. Children are not able to eat more than 1-2 slices of apple. In such a situation, mothers are worried that how to feed apples to children. There are many ways to feed apples to babies. There is no hassle in this and the child can easily eat the whole apple. Let us know how to feed apples to children.

1- Apple puree- Apple puree is the easiest way to feed apples to babies. In this way the child can easily eat a whole apple. You can feed it to a small child i.e. any age child from 6 months onwards. For this, peel the apple and cut it. Now put half a cup of water in a pan to boil apples. When the apple becomes slightly soft, then turn off the gas and when it cools down, grind it finely in a mixer. Now feed the baby lukewarm.
2- Apple Jam- Another way to feed apples to kids is to make apple jam at home during the season. Feed it with roti or bread. Kids love jam.
3- Apple smoothie- You can give children apple smoothie for breakfast. If you want, you can also mix banana with apple. You can also mix milk with apple. It provides vitamins and all the nutrients.
4- Apple jelly- Children love jams and jellies. You can make jelly from apples. Jelly looks very tasty to eat.
5- Apple pudding- Children love halwa very much. You can also feed apple pudding to 6 months old baby. Apple pudding is very easy to make. Peel the apple and grate it. Put it in a pan and then mix sugar when it becomes soft. When the sugar dries, add cardamom powder. Feed it to the baby.


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