AI operated drone became uncontrollable, operator died during operation


AI drone: Many big giants have said that AI is no less than a threat to humans. Now a news is coming out proving this to be true, in which an AI powered drone killed its operator during the war. The good news is that it was just a simulation test, meaning no person was involved in it. Simulation tests are done by the army, which are also known as war games. The purpose of this test was to test the capability of AI in simulation test.

Because of this the operator was terminated

Actually, this AI powered drone was given the command to shoot down the enemy’s air defense. Also, during this time it was asked to remove any obstacle coming in the way so that the drone can complete the mission properly. According to Aerosociety, during the test, the operator of the drone was repeatedly asking him to kill certain threats. But if the drone finishes them, it would get points instead, which was the main thing of this test. Repeatedly when the drone analyzed that its operator was preventing it from eliminating the threat, the drone considered the operator as a threat and eliminated it. Means the drone destroyed the signal of the operator, with the help of which the operator was giving commands to the drone.

Col Tucker Cinco Hamilton, chief of this AI test, told that we had asked the drone not to kill the operator. If he does this then his points will be reduced. But the drone deemed the operator an obstacle in the mission and killed the operator. AI Test Chief said that it is not right to rely completely on this technology. Let us tell you, the US Army wants to use AI in the military field. Many trainings are being done for this. Some time ago it was tested on an AI-controlled F-16 fighter jet. Veteran test pilot Hamilton said in a blog post that AI is not only a trend but it is a technology that is changing society and the military. However, he also said that AI has its own limitations and it can be easily manipulated.

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