Twitter Encrypted DM: Twitter has recently introduced a new feature called Encrypted Direct Message or Encrypted DM on its platform. Encrypted messages are different than regular messages. The content of the encrypted message is completely secure. No one can check it. Not even Twitter itself. Plus, encrypted DMs appear as a separate conversation in a user’s inbox alongside their existing direct messages. Let us know in today’s news that who and how can use encrypted DM on Twitter?
Who can use encrypted DMs on Twitter?
- Not everyone can use the encrypted DM feature. The company has shared the list and told that who are eligible to use this feature:
- Sender and receiver are both using the latest Twitter apps
- Both the sender and the receiver should have verified Twitter accounts.
- The receiver must be a follower of the sender or must have previously sent a message to the sender.
How to send encrypted DMs on Twitter?
- Step 1: Download the latest version of Twitter’s app on your device.
- Step 2: If you are able to send encrypted messages, you will see a toggle after clicking on the message icon Toggle button to enable encrypted mode.
- Step 3: Select the eligible recipient.
- Step 4: Write the message and click on send.
Limitation of encrypted message feature
- The feature doesn’t work with group messages.
- It also does not support media and attachments.
- The new device cannot join an existing encrypted conversation.
- Encrypted messages cannot be reported to Twitter.
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