5G Speed ​​Testing became expensive, more than half the data is lost in seconds, know the full news


5G Speed ​​Test : 5G network has started in India from 1st October. Many users were waiting for the launch of 5G network. If you are also one of those who are waiting for 5G network, then know that 5G speed may cost you dearly. Actually, the speed of 5G network (5G Speed) is so high that in a few seconds your whole day’s internet data will be over. Using 5G internet data is a different matter, if you are only testing the speed of 5G, then doing so may also cost you too much. Many users have complained about this and have also demanded the company to give back the data. Let’s know the whole issue..

All day’s data ended due to 5G speed

With the launch of 5G network, users have started doing speed test to check the internet speed of 5G network. In this speed test, users lost more than half their internet data in a short time and the speed test has become very expensive for the users. Actually 5G network has internet speed up to 1Gbps, but at this time in India this speed has been seen only from 500Mbps to 600Mbps. If your internet data pack is 1.5 GB per day plan, then you should know that your data can be exhausted in few seconds.

reason for data loss

There can be many reasons for running out of data, for example, you play videos on YouTube at Auto Quality. Now it happens that YouTube more or less reduces the video quality of the user’s internet speed. This means that if your internet speed is slow then youtube will play you videos in low quality and if your internet speed is fast then youtube will show you videos in high quality. As you know that the speed of 5G internet is very fast, then YouTube will play high quality videos, which will cost you many times more data and will end soon. In this way the data in all apps, social media and anything else happens during use.

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