Dumped Smartphones: About 5.3 billion or 530 crore mobile phones will become useless this year. According to experts, out of the 16 billion or 1600 crore mobile phones currently being used worldwide, about 530 crore mobile phones will become useless this year. According to the report, these mobile phones are going to cause huge damage to the environment. Out of these waste phones, a lot of environmentally harmful materials will come out, which will be very important to be recycled.
Experts say that the number of these mobile phones will be so high that if they are stacked one on top of the other, a 50,000-km-high tower can stand, 100 times more than the height of the International Space Station.
Valuable material will be found in useless mobile phones
Research agency WEEE says that gold, silver, copper, palladium and many other precious metals will come out in these waste mobile phones, which can be recycled and used again. If all these useless devices are thrown like this, then due to them there can be huge damage to the environment. Pascal Leroy, Director General of the Research Forum, said that among electronics products, smartphones are the most useful for us. If the materials of these waste mobile phones are not recycled, then we will have to depend on countries like China or Congo for these scarce materials.
44.8 million tonnes of electronic waste is generated every year
According to the 2020 Global E-Waste Monitor, approximately 44.48 million tonnes of electronic waste is generated every year from waste mobile phones, which is not recycled. A survey was conducted in 6 European countries from June 2022 to September 2022, in which it was found that out of 5 billion phones lying idle, many phones were stored at home rather than dumped and this is a matter of concern. According to the report, on average, every household in Europe has up to 5 kg of electronic waste stored.
People store electronic devices in homes
According to the survey, 46 percent out of 8775 people have kept cell phones and electronic gadgets in their home or office just because of this so that they can be used in future. Only 15 percent of users sell or dump their old or obsolete gadgets. At the same time, 13 percent of users keep their old gadgets with them due to sentimental attachment.
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