Headphone Uses: Eyes, nose, ears are considered important parts of the body. They introduce the brain to the world. Due to these, we get to know what is going on around, in the country and the world. One of these ear is an important organ of the body. It helps us to hear the slowest voice. What activities are happening at a distance. We get information from this. But nowadays the way mobile has run. Due to this, its effect on the brain has increased rapidly. People listen to songs on mobile for hours. For this, earphones, headphones and earbuds are being used. But do you know how harmful it can prove to be for the ears by listening to songs with headphones all the time?
can make permanent deaf
Headphones can damage your ears in the same way that other loud sounds can. There are tiny hair cells in the inner part of the ear. They act as sensitive receptors for hearing. Means whatever we listen to with very little attention. All this is the wonder of these receptors. Excessive or severe exposure to loud noise from headphones can cause damage over time. If they are given enough time to recover after listening to loud noises, they can recover. But if you keep listening to songs continuously, then permanent deafness comes.
Low volume headphones also do harm
Doctors say that in some cases, it is not necessary that the sound of headphones should be very loud for damage to one’s ear. Even listening with earbuds or headphones at a moderate volume can cause hearing problems over time. This is because the damage caused to the ears is not just limited to the intensity of the noise, but also the duration of the exposure.
Symptoms and Prevention
If there is any kind of problem in the ear, its symptoms can also appear. These include ringing in the ear, different types of sounds, buzzing, feeling difficulty in listening to the speech of a loud sound, not being able to hear the sound of low sound. Doctors say that this problem of hearing can be cured. Listen to earbuds, earphones or headphones for short periods of time. Relax ears for longer hours. Listen to music in low volume. If there is any problem, see the doctor immediately.
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