You have heard about the rainbow decorated in the plate, know what is Rainbow Diet and its benefits


Benefits Of Rainbow Diet: You must have also noticed the colors of vegetables, fruits, pulses and grains while cooking and eating food. If all these colors are kept together, then a rainbow-like decoration will be seen in the plate. The plate decorated with food colors is called Rainbow Diet. Foods of every color are included in this diet. So that the body can get different nutrients. Every natural color associated with food points towards special nutrition.

The colour red

All the fruits and vegetables of red color are beneficial for the heart. Fruits and vegetables like tomato, watermelon, pomegranate, beetroot, strawberry are included in this color. Lycopene is an antioxidant in red colored foods. Which keeps heart diseases away.

Orange color

Fruits and vegetables of this color contain an element called carotene. Orange is the food of this color. Apart from this, things like pumpkin, carrot and peach come. Because of these mines, your skin and hair get nutrition.

yellow color

You can keep things like papaya, pineapple, lemon, mango, maize and melon in the yellow colored mines. They are rich in bromelain and papain. These elements keep the digestive system strong.

green colour

Green fruits and vegetables have always been considered a treasure of nutrition. There is a lot of folate and iron in the mines of this color. All the leafy vegetables are rich in this nutrient.

blue or purple

Fruits and vegetables like brinjal, jamun, black grapes lead to this colour. Foods of this color increase the mental ability of children. They contain elements like anthocyanin, resvetrol which make the immune system strong and keep digestion good.

White color

There are many fruits and vegetables of white color as well. Things like onion, garlic, cabbage, banana come in it. These are high fiber as well as they also contain potassium.

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