You can stay FIT sitting on the ground for 15 minutes, if you don’t believe then try it…


Fitness Mantra: Have you ever sat on the ground? This may be a strange question, but if you are really sitting on the ground, then you have hardly experienced how much comfort it gives to the body. Sitting on the floor gives a relaxed feel. According to health experts, if you sit on the ground for 15 minutes every day, it improves your body posture. Personality blossoms and you become healthy. So let’s know what wonders can happen by sitting on the ground…

body gets strength

If you sit on the floor, then it gives many benefits to health. Sitting on the ground engages the core and brings stability to the spine. Due to this the balance of the body is good and the body also gets strength.

Improve posture, improve fertility

By sitting on the floor, the muscles of the lower part of our body become very active. After sitting on the ground, the chances of sitting down are also negligible. That’s why sitting on the ground is beneficial. With this your posture improves and personality grows.

make the spine healthy

Our spine is not straight but in the shape of ‘S’. Whenever you sit in the wrong posture, it causes pain in the spine. To make the spine healthy, one should sit on the floor for a while every day. This also does not cause spine problems.

make the body flexible

When you sit on the ground, you get up easily without any support. Due to this, the longevity is very good. By sitting on the floor, the body is able to move overall and your spine becomes strong, flexible and stable.

Make the hips muscles strong

Sitting on the floor strengthens the hip muscles. Actually, the muscles of the hips connect with the upper part of the leg ie thigh, lower back and pelvis. When the hip muscles are weak, there is a negative effect on walking, standing and balance. In such a situation, sitting on the ground can be beneficial.

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