You can also save someone’s life in case of heart attack, only these two things have to be done


What Is CPR Method: Nowadays the cases of heart attack are coming very much. People get heart attack while laughing. Many times you must have seen people suddenly falling on a public place. It could be a heart attack or cardiac arrest. If you are there and you know how to give CPR then you can save the patient’s life. The full form of CPR is Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation. This is a technique by which you can save someone’s life in case of heart attack or cardiac arrest. There is no need for a doctor to give CPR, you can give it yourself. Yes, for this you need to know the right technique.

How is CPR given?
1- First of all, keeping both your hands on top of each other, entangle the fingers together. You have to lock your hands well.
2- Now you have to start the compression in the middle of the chest of the victim i.e. in the lower third part of the central bone.
3- You have to do hard and fast compression. You have to do this 30 times and after that you have to give 2 mouth breaths, that is, you have to breathe through your mouth in the patient’s mouth.
4- The way of giving mouth breath is that you will hold the patient’s nose and turn the head slightly backwards, which will open the respiratory tract and pull the jaw down. Now will give 2 breaths and again come on chest compressions.
5- You have to press the chest hard and fast about 100 to 120 times in 1 minute. Note that one third of the patient’s chest should be pressed inwards when you press it.
6- You have to continue this 30 compressions and 2 mouth breaths until the patient can breathe. Keep doing this to the patient until the ambulance arrives or reaches the hospital.
7- Pumping at this speed increases blood flow to the heart and can save the life of a person with cardiac arrest.
8- Along with giving CPR, do not forget to take the patient to the doctor immediately or call the ambulance. If someone suddenly faints in front of you, then start doing CPR immediately.

Disclaimer: The methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article are to be taken only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or concerned expert.

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