Wish your loved ones Goodbye Jumma with these beautiful greeting messages on Jamaat-ul-Vida


Goodbye Jumma Mubarak Wishes in Hindi: Goodbye Jumme or Jamaat-ul-Vida in the month of Ramadan is also called Chhoti Eid. Alvida Jumma falls on the last Friday of the month of Ramadan. On this day people wear new clothes. Special prayers are offered in the mosques on the occasion of Goodbye Jumma and the process of worship goes on in the homes too.

The day of Goodbye Jumma is very special for the people who believe in the religion of Islam. This year, Alvida Jumma is on 21 April 2023. The special thing is that people will see the moon of Eid after Iftar on the day of Goodbye Jumma and Eid-ul-Fitr will be celebrated the next day on April 22. That is, on the day of Goodbye Jumma, this time there will be Goodbye Roza as well. On this special occasion, pray for forgiveness from Allah for your near and dear ones, relatives and friends and congratulate them on this day through these congratulatory messages.

Allah is the reflection of the universe
The one who wakes up the heart is the feeling of Allah
Oh man, why is your heart sad
Allah is with you every moment
bye happy juma

dharma reels

always smile on your face
my every word is a prayer for you
Find happiness in life at every step
May every sorrow of the world be away from you forever
bye happy juma

His mention gives light to the dark
warms the heart,
whatever you ask for,
it is allah who gives,
Goodbye Jumma Mubarak!

Ya Allah today after Juma Namaz as many as
hands are raised for prayer in your bargah
accept everyone’s prayers
happy bye jumma

happy scent of air
Happy season to Fiza
happy hearts love
Goodbye Jumma Mubarak to you from us

May every wish be approved by God
Received Raza-e-Khuda at every step
Fana ho labz-e-gum, this is the prayer
May it always rain Rahmat-e-Khuda
Goodbye Happy Jumma 2023

Who made every house Gulistan,
that guest will leave,
Eid is being given as a gift to everyone
bye bye mahe ramadan
wow ramadan salam to you,
go to,made even the skies cry
bye bye mahe ramadan

read this also: Ramadan 2023 Sehri-Iftar Timing 21 April: Know the timings of Sehri-Iftar for 21 April in your city including Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Patna

Disclaimer: The information provided here is based on assumptions and information only. It is important to mention here that ABPLive.com does not confirm any kind of recognition, information. Before implementing any information or belief, consult the relevant expert.


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