Why is it said that honey is a million times better than sugar? Knowing these reasons, you will also start using


Honey VS Sugar: There are many such things present in Indian kitchens, from which health can get countless benefits. These things also include a honey, which is considered rich in many medicinal properties. Honey has been used as a natural sugar for thousands of years. Even today many people consider it better to consume it instead of sugar. Since antimicrobial and antioxidant properties are found in honey, it is considered very beneficial for health. Now the question is, is honey really a million times better than sugar?

Actually both sugar and honey are made of fructose and glucose. Antioxidants, vitamins and minerals are found in large quantities in honey. While sugar can give many serious diseases to the body including diabetes. Let’s know why honey is better than sugar?

Why honey better than sugar?

1. Rich in Nutrition

Many essential nutrients and antioxidants are found in honey. Whereas sugar is a processed carbohydrate, which lacks nutrients. Amino acids, enzymes, vitamins and minerals are present in honey, which give benefits to the body in different ways, such as strengthening immunity, getting rid of the problem of inflammation and healing wounds faster, etc.

2. Low Glycemic Index

Compared to sugar, the glycemic index of honey is very low, which clearly means that there is no tension of increasing blood sugar levels by eating it.

3. Good digestion

It is not difficult to digest honey because enzymes are present in it, which work to break down carbohydrates. While sugar enters the bloodstream and works to increase the level of blood sugar.

4. Low-Calorie

Even though honey is sweet, but the amount of calories in it is very less as compared to sugar. If you want sweetness along with low-calorie, then you can make honey a part of your diet.

5. Energy Booster

Natural sugars like fructose and glucose are found in honey, which are actually considered energy boosters. It is easily absorbed by the body and provides instant energy. Whereas in order to absorb sugar, the body has to first break it down into fructose and glucose.

6. Beneficial for the skin

Antibacterial properties are found in honey, which can work to eliminate problems like pimples, swelling. While eating too much sugar can cause glycation problems.

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