Foul Odor From Mouth: The problem of bad breath increases more in the winter season. Although some people face this problem in every season. But in winter season, liquid diet is taken less as compared to summer or rainy season, so this problem increases manifold in winter season. Which not only makes you uncomfortable but also makes the people talking with you uncomfortable.
At the work place or in front of friends, you do not have to face such a situation when you feel embarrassed due to bad breath, for this we have come up with 5 very easy tips, which you can include in your daily life. Bad breath will never bother you. First of all, know why bad breath starts coming from the mouth.
Causes of bad breath?
- Lack of oral hygiene is the biggest reason for bad breath. That is, do not take care of the proper cleanliness of the mouth.
- Not drinking enough water. Be aware of how much water you should drink according to your age, weight and needs.
- Eating something or the other again and again also causes bad breath.
- People who have an upset stomach, they also have the problem of bad breath.
- Chronic constipation also causes bad breath.
- Hyper acidity and indigestion also cause bad breath.
How to avoid bad breath?
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The best way to avoid bad breath is to find out its cause and focus on getting rid of it. But till the time you identify its main region, follow the easy tips mentioned here in daily life to get instant relief…
- Do brush twice a day. Once in the morning and once before sleeping at night. Also do gargling twice a day.
- Whenever you eat something during the day, rinse well after that so that the particles of food do not remain stuck in the mouth.
- Must eat fennel or green cardamom after eating all the three times. This improves digestion.
- Control the habit of eating something or the other again and again. Take a healthy diet so that there is no desire to keep eating something or the other again and again.
- Drink sufficient amount of water every day according to the needs of your body. how much water should you drink Click here to know,
Disclaimer: Take the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before implementing any such treatment/medicine/diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or related expert.
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