Who can give kidney to whom? Do you know its full rule


Lalu Yadav Health: RJD leader Lalu Yadav has been battling kidney disease for a long time. Now the news is coming that Lalu Yadav’s daughter Rohini Acharya who lives in Singapore. She will donate kidney to her father. As soon as this news comes out, his daughter is being praised on social media. This has been disclosed by the close of the family. Let us tell you that 74-year-old Lalu Yadav has recently returned from Singapore after getting treatment for his kidney disease.

For your information, let us tell you that Lalu is suffering from many diseases. Keeping all this in mind, the doctor has advised him for kidney transplant. A family member told PTI that their daughter Rohini Acharya, who lives in Singapore, has decided to donate her kidney to her father. On the other hand, Rohini herself has also shared this information with her Twitter handle. Rohini has written that my parents are God for me. Whole life is sacrificed for them. Rohini writes, ‘I believe that this is just a small piece of meat that I want to give for my father. I can do anything for my father. May you all pray that everything is in a better way. Go and Papa again raise the voice of all of you. Once again thank you all for the best wishes.

What is kidney transplant
If both the kidneys are damaged and the condition remains critical, then kidney transplant is required. The process of kidney transplant is like this. When a kidney is taken from a healthy person and implanted in the patient’s body. This kidney can be of a dead or alive person. If the donor who is in it, if his lifestyle is good, then he can spend the whole life on one kidney too.

Who can give kidney to whom?

Any healthy person whose blood group matches the blood group of the patient. He can easily donate kidney. The age of kidney donor will be very good between 18 to 55. Because the kidney of people of this age is healthy kidney. In this way, there will be no problem in getting transplanted.

Some things must be taken care of during kidney transplant. First your kidney donor is alive and if he is a member of your family like parents, siblings, husband-wife, son or daughter then it is a good thing. A live kidney donor is better than a dead kidney donor. The advantage of kidney donor in blood relation is that the chances of kidney transplant failure in your body are reduced.

There are two types of kidney donors

dead kidney donor There are dead kidney donors who are no longer in this world. Like a person gets injured in an accident. This kidney belongs to a person who is healthy but he dies in an accident. The number of kidney deaths in India is very less.

Live kidney donor A person can survive with the help of one kidney. If a person has kidney failure, he can get a transplant done. But while getting the transplant done, it must be kept in mind that your kidney donor should be from your family or blood relation. Like parents, siblings. If there is a donor in the blood relation, then one of its advantages is that this kidney is easily matched.

Donor has these tests before kidney transplant
blood test
tissue test
Antibodies and antigens are prepared by mixing the blood of the patient and the donor (depending on whether there will be a transplant or not)

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