While watching a video game, the child may faint and may die, keep these things in mind


Vido Games Side Effects On Child Heart: Playing video games is loved by almost every child of today’s generation. Parents also do not mind because their child is in front of their eyes and is not seeing anything wrong. However, parents are completely unaware that the addiction to video games can make their child a heart patient or can prove to be so harmful to him that the child can even die! If the news is related to children, then it cannot be ignored. Know the whole thing and be an aware parent.

Recently, a study was done on video games and their effect on children’s health. There were disturbing results in this. Because during the dangerous stunts shown in video games, the heart beat of children increases and decreases very rapidly, which is not good for their age and heart health and affects their heart health in many ways. .

Why is playing video games harmful?

  • In video games, most children play war and fight games. There are many dangerous falls and stunts in these games.
  • While playing them, children get completely absorbed in their characters both mentally and emotionally.
  • Because of this, every fight, stunt, fall, jump is seen very serially, due to which their heart beat keeps increasing and decreasing rapidly.
  • In such a situation, children who are very emotional and sensitive, they are most at risk on their heart health. This has come to the fore in a recent research.

this thing is scary

  • Recently, in the journal ‘Heart Rhythm’ to be published on Heart Health, research was published on children who fainted while watching video games.
  • Claire M. Lawley, who led this research, is associated with ‘The Heart Center for Children’ in Australia. In this research, an in-depth study of the heart health of 22 children who fainted while playing electronic video game stunts and war games.
  • Lawley says that if a child sees such a problem or has severe nervousness and respiratory problems while playing video games, then the child must be shown to a heart specialist at once. Because it can be the primary sign of some serious heart problem.
  • Lawley also told that during the research he also found cases in which children had died while playing multiplayer war gaming and the reason for this death was revealed to be cardiac arrest. Therefore it becomes necessary for parents that They should pay attention to their children’s activities related to video games and if the child has a heart beat related problem, then do not take it lightly.

Disclaimer: The methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article should be taken only as suggestions. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or concerned expert.

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