Paush Putrada Ekadashi 2023 Vrat Date: Putrada Ekadashi fast has special significance in Hinduism. This fast is kept for the happiness of sons. It is believed that by observing this fast, the wish of getting a worthy child is fulfilled. Putrada Ekadashi fast is considered to protect the child from troubles.
Poush son-in-law Ekadashi 2023 When, ,Paush Putrada Ekadashi 2023)
According to the Hindu calendar, the fast of Paush Putrada Ekadashi is observed on the Ekadashi date of Shukla Paksha of Paush month. This time Paush Putrada Ekadashi fast will be observed on 2nd January 2023, Monday. It is also known as Paush Putrada Ekadashi, Vaikuntha Ekadashi and Mukkoti Ekadashi.
Poush son-in-law Ekadashi 2023 Fast Worship good Auspicious beginning
- Poush son-in-law Ekadashi Fast , 2 January 2022, Thursday
- Poush Shukla Ekadashi date start , January 1, 2023 at 07:11 PM.
- Poush son-in-law Ekadashi date End , 2 Jan 2022 till 08:23 PM
- son-in-law Ekadashi Fast Of paran of Time , January 3 from 07:14:25 to 09:18:52
- son-in-law Ekadashi Fast paran date Of Day twelfth End having of Time , January 3 from 07:14:25 to 09:18:52
- Poush son-in-law Ekadashi Fast paran Duration , 2 hours 4 minutes
Poush son-in-law Ekadashi Fast,Worship process
On the day of Paush Putrada Ekadashi fast, after retiring from sunrise bath etc., wear clean clothes. Now take a vow of fasting at the place of worship of the house and worship Lord Vishnu methodically. During the worship, offer all the worship materials like yellow fruits, yellow flowers, Panchamrit, Tulsi etc. to Lord Vishnu along with the respective mantras.
Poush son-in-law Ekadashi 2023 of Importance
In Ekadashi fast, Lord Vishnu is worshiped according to the law. It is believed that by doing this, childless couples get child happiness. By observing Paush Putrada Ekadashi fast, the wish of a worthy child is fulfilled. At the same time, this fast is considered to save the child from every trouble.
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