Whatsapp Data Leak: Many people around the world use the social messaging app WhatsApp. If you are also included in this list, then this news may disturb you a bit. In a Cyber News report, it has been claimed that the data of about 500 million WhatsApp users has been leaked, and now that data is being sold online. According to the report of Cyber News, 84 countries are included in this data leak, in which the name of India also comes. Data of lakhs of users of India has also been leaked, which is being sold online. In such a situation, come, we are going to tell you in today’s news that how you can make your WhatsApp account secure.
end-to-end encryption
You confirm that your chat is end-to-end encrypted. To confirm whether the chat is end-to-end encrypted, open the chat, tap the contact’s name to open contact info, and then tap Encryption to see the QR code and 60-digit number. WhatsApp’s end-to-end encryption ensures that only you and your contact can read the messages in that chat. Even WhatsApp cannot read these messages.
Do not click on any such link
News Reels
You must have received strange links from your contacts, in which some special offers would have been claimed. You should never click on links that seem fishy to you. Know before clicking what is the link sent from your contact? And then click on it.
privacy settings
WhatsApp gives users many privacy options. The messaging platform gives users the option to choose with whom they want to share their profile picture, status and other details. It’s a good idea to change the setting to “Contacts only”. With this, only phone numbers saved on your smartphone will be able to see your profile photo, status, phone number and status.
log out of whatsapp web
We often log in to WhatsApp Web at work and then leave the account open on the desktop. This habit can create problems for you. Any other person sitting at your PC can access all your chats. It is necessary to logout from WhatsApp web before leaving the office.
lock whatsapp screen
You can use the WhatsApp lock screen option available on Android. For this, just go to the Settings menu, Privacy, and then select the Screen lock option. After this you have to register your fingerprint. After the process is complete, you will need to scan your fingerprint every time you open the WhatsApp app.
two-step verification
WhatsApp introduced the “two-step verification” feature. This feature adds more security to your account. To enable two-step verification, open WhatsApp, go to Settings, Account, click on Two-Step Verification and enable it.
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