New Telecom Bill: The central government is soon preparing to bring calling and messaging apps like WhatsApp, Facebook, Google Duo and Telegram under the purview of telecom laws. A draft bill has been prepared by the government regarding this. According to which over the top (OTT) means such services which work with the help of internet will come under the purview of telecom laws. According to media reports, the Central Government has introduced many such proposals in the Draft Telecommunication Bill 2022. After these internet-based calling and messaging services come under the purview of telecom laws, it will have a direct impact on mobile and internet users who use these services.
According to the draft bill, OTT services will also now be considered a part of telecom services. Companies providing these services will now have to get a license for these services. Which will have a direct impact on the pockets of mobile users. According to the draft bill, the companies providing these services will have to deposit the fee for the license, if the company surrenders this license, then the fee will be refunded to them.
Regarding the draft bill, Telecom Minister Ashwini Vaishnav says that, with the new telecom bill, the roadmap for restructuring the industry and adopting new technology will be prepared. It is being told that the government has sought suggestions from the industry and people on this draft till October 20.
Objective of bringing Telecommunication Bill 2022
- Strengthening the legal framework in the future
- Re-framing the names and their definitions used in the telecom sector in accordance with the new Telecom Act.
- Strengthening the legal framework for spectrum management
- Preparedness to deal with cyber security, national security and other threats
- To rationalize the process of levying penalty on telecom and internet service providers.
These services will also come under the purview of the Telecom Act.
According to the draft of the new Telecommunication Bill 2022, services like Facebook, WhatsApp, Google Duo, Google Meet, Telegram and Zoom will come under its purview. Also broadcasting services, email, voice, video and data communication services, voice mail, fixed and mobile services, internet and broadband services, audiotex services, videotex services, satellite based communication services, walkie-talkies, machine to machine services, over the internet based communication services will come under its purview.
WhatsApp’s free calling service will end?
However, we charge as data cost for making video or audio calling from any apps through internet. But it is possible that after the introduction of this bill, WhatsApp or other company providing calling service starts charging extra for it. Or you have to take membership for some services. Because the companies will recover the money they spend on buying the license from the consumers only.
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