No Sugar Challenge: Today we will talk about what will happen if you do not eat sugar for 30 days? There is no doubt that we Indians have our morning with sugar. Be it tea, cookies or muffins, we eat sugar in some form or the other in the morning. Eating too much sugar can be very harmful for health. There is no doubt that eating too much sugar can be injurious to health.
Most Indians are very fond of eating sweets, chocolates, soft drinks, candy and many other sweet items. Due to eating so much sweet, the risk of obesity, fatty liver, type-2 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart attack, coronary artery disease and triple vessel disease also increases. Eating sugar can make you vulnerable to so many diseases, so why should you promise yourself not to eat sugar for a month. You challenge yourself that I do not have to eat sugar for a month. Due to this, many types of changes will be seen in the body.
According to famous celebrity dietician Rujeta Diwekar, you can eat home-made laddoos and sweets, but if you are eating refined sugar from the market, then stop it from today itself. Also, if you are drinking tea, then even one teaspoon of sugar is fine, but eating more sugar than this can harm your health in many ways.
Benefits of not eating sugar for 30 days
Blood sugar will be controlled
Try not eating sugar for 30 days, after that you will see many benefits. With this, the level of glucose in your blood will be easily controlled. By not eating sugar, the risk of type-2 diabetes can also be controlled to a great extent. But once you control it, you will return to the path of eating sugar, then you will not be able to get the benefit of not eating sugar for a long time.
weight will be less
By eating foods which have less sugar, the body automatically gets calories. Sweet cheeses also do not contain protein, fiber and nutrients. By eating more sweets, fat starts increasing around the stomach and waist. Therefore, if you want to avoid the side effects of sugar, then leave it once and you will know for yourself how the weight is reduced. Also, your weight will reduce rapidly.
heart will be healthy
The direct benefit of not eating sugar reaches the heart. When sugar turns into fat, bad cholesterol starts accumulating in the blood. Due to this the blood pressure also becomes high. For this, blood has to work harder to reach the heart, due to which the risk of heart attack increases.
benefit to the liver
Liver is the most important organ of our body. If the liver is healthy then your whole body is healthy. But if you eat a lot of sugar, then you have every chance that the chances of getting Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) increase.
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