What is top-up and super top-up plan in health insurance, know how to get benefits


Top Up vs Super Top Up Plans: You always buy a health insurance plan for yourself and your family. After the Corona Pandemic, the public has become very conscious about health insurance. The first duty for every person is to protect the health of his family. He is ready to do everything for it. Choose the best health insurance plan.

so much cover
At present, you get coverage up to Rs 5 lakh in the General Health Policy. If the cost of treatment in a medical emergency is more than Rs 5 lakh, then you have to pay the additional amount yourself.

Top-up and Super top-up plans
Today many health insurance companies are offering the facility of Top-up and Super Top-up Plans. Plus you get high risk protection at low premiums. In addition to the basic health insurance policy, top-up and super top-up plans can be purchased. The advantage of this is that if the medical expenses exceed the limit of the general health insurance policy, then the extra amount is paid through top up and super top up plans.

The company is offering
In today’s era, the risk of other serious diseases including cancer, corona is increasing. Lakhs of rupees are spent on the treatment of these diseases in hospitals. Keeping this problem of common man in mind, insurance companies offer health insurance top up and super top up plans.

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In this way, understand the additional benefit for increasing medical expenses
If you have a health insurance policy of Rs 2 lakh. So you take a top-up plan of Rs 5 lakh with a deductible of Rs 2 lakh. Now with a base policy of Rs 2 lakh, your total sum insured becomes Rs 7 lakh. If your claim is Rs 5 lakh. So you can take benefit of Rs 3 lakh from top-up health policy. At the same time, there is a deductible of Rs 2 lakh, which will be paid in the base policy.

what are the advantages
Having a health insurance policy along with a top-up or super top-up plan is an added advantage. Both these plans help in increasing your health coverage amount. With their help, additional coverage is ensured in case of medical emergency. You get tax benefits with these plans. Top-up and Super top-up plans both offer higher insurance coverage with lower premiums. Top-up plan is a high deductible policy. It covers the amount over and above the deductible in the basic policy. The main difference between top-up and super top-up policies lies in the manner of applying the chosen deductible under the policy.

High Deductible Health Plan
This is a top-up plan high deductible health plan. Which pays for patient medical expenses in excess of the prescribed eligible limit. Top up plan is cheaper than super top up plan, the deductible is applicable on every claim, whereas in case of super top up plan this policy is applicable only once in a year.

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