Bariatric Surgery Benefit: Of course, obesity is not counted among diseases. But it is not less than that either. Due to obesity, many diseases start living in the body of people. Due to excessive obesity, many diseases like diabetes, arthritis, hyper tension, high cholesterol start taking birth. Doctors recommend reducing diet and walking briskly, exercising, doing yoga to reduce obesity. But sometimes obesity becomes so much that a person is unable to do anything, so science has made progress for that too. With the help of surgery, fat is reduced by sorting out the fat. However, it also has many dangers. Let’s know about this surgery
What is bariatric surgery
Doctors say that overweight individuals are slimmed by bariatric surgery. This is done with the help of operation. With the help of laparoscopic surgery, the operation of the stomach and intestines is done. In this the stomach is made smaller. Due to the small stomach, a person does not need much food. Under the operation, the intestines are rearranged in such a way that they can absorb less food.
When is bariatric surgery done
Doctors first advise the person to reduce food. Recommend to reduce obesity by walking, running, exercise or yoga. If this does not happen then the operation is called for.
What are the advantages and disadvantages
After bariatric surgery, a person starts losing 6 to 8 kg of weight every month. Sleep disorders, type 2 diabetes are more likely to end if the weight is correct. If there is a problem of high blood pressure, then it can also be relieved. Life style starts improving. Personality also becomes attractive. The disadvantage is that it can be fatal if the operation is not performed by an experienced or skilled doctor. This has been seen in many cases. That’s why it is important to consult a doctor first. Some people are eager to know about the cost of bariatric surgery, then it costs up to Rs 2 to 2.5 lakh to get this surgery done.
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